Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Audience Feedback

After showing to my class the 3rd draft of my music video, I received some feeback from a few people, suggesting what could be improved/if it was a success/what they liked best etc. Here are some of the responses I received from them:
Charlotte, you could try and add some effects in the music video to keep the audience interested throughout the music video. However, the lip-syncing has been really well edited, also you have shooted a good range of close-ups, and a good use of scenery.
Really nice use of shots, portraying some really good emotions of the band that makes the audience relate to the mood of the song. However, you could change some colours in your editing, by simply adjusting the tone to make it less obvious that you shot the scenes on different days, because I think the sunlight in some scenes gives that away. Also, the camera quality is noticable because you have filmed using two different cameras. But other than that, this is a really good music video, and I would deffinately watch it all the way through.
Really good location in the establishing shot. Really liked the use of performance where they all sing together (for example, when we see them all together on the hill singing the chorus), and other scenes where they're not together, singing their own parts of the chorus. Enjoyed how we see the girls singing, then the scene changes to the 5 of them posing into the camera - (good use of research as many artists tend to use this technique). And finally, I really enjoyed hoiw the girls sang with not only emotion, but action in-keeping with the lyrics of the song.
Charlotte this is a really convincing video! However I think you should look into adding more effects, colour changes etc. Also maybe think about quicker cuts towards the end of the music video, or when the music changes.

Since receiving this useful feedback from different audiences, I will look to improve the changes of my video so far. This task has really helped me and will hopefully improve the video I have produced.

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