Thursday, 5 January 2012

Making the Music Video

On Saturday 7th January, I began my first shoot of filming. The girls and I headed out to the field to film for the music video. We started filming at 9am, and decided to finish around 11:30-12pm as one of the girls had other commitments. A lot of work was involved as its a rather large location, and this involved a lot of walking. After the giggle were out of the way, the project became much more serious, and the girls did truly their best to co-operate with me. So far, I would say half-three quarters of the music video is completed. The following Saturday (14th) will be the next - and hopefully - final shoot. Here are some of the many pictures one of the girls took of me filming the 'making' of the music video:

This was one of the very first clips of Beth, singing the beginning of the song.

This clip is of Grainne - she starts off the song as she sings the first verse, followed by Ellen (below).

Here, I had adjusted the tripod and camera, producing a low angle shot of Beth at the top of a hill, beginning the chorus.

Here, I filmed each of the girl individually singing the chorus, so when it comes to editting, I can pick and chose who sings what, and where.

This clip is of Sophie, singing one of the verses in the song. I filmed her sitting down, showing the audience that each band member is different.
This clip is of all the girls together singing the chorus. Again, I plan to pick and chose where abouts this will fit best when I begin editting.
This picture here is one of my favourites. I am considering to use this for the DIGI pack.
Here, Grainne is singing one of the choruses. Notice how each shot is in different locations. Sophie is standing next to me holding the portable speakers.

Notice how I am lifting the camera and the tripod - I found this easier in some scenes to control, depending on the close-up I was filming. This here is of Rosie singing a short verse.

1 comment:

  1. i like how you have taken photos of you filming to show exactly what you did :) good video at the end too!!!
