Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Editing (so far...)

This is the progress of my editing so far. I feel happy with how its going, and look forward to this following Saturday (21st) to film the third (and hopefully final) shoot involving the filming. Until then, I feel that I can no longer edit anymore until I upload my next set of clips. I am also enjoying the software in which we have been editing with. Once I have all of my scenes imported and edited in the timeline, I then plan on playing around with certain effects to make sure the lighting is sorted. Here is the editing of the music video so far:

Charlotte 1st cut from Caroline Birks on Vimeo.


  1. A good video so far Charlotte. I agree that you need to adjust some of the colour in the shots and it would be nice to make some of the colours really crisp. I still wonder if there is enough in the video to keep the audience watching until the end...

  2. I really like the begginning of the music video where you see each girls eyes as it coinsides with the lyrics. Some of the words from the song aren't quite in time with the music however I like the emotion and commitment that they are giving to the lyrics. My favourite shots are the group shots and I think Sophie and Ellen are best in the video and I particuarly like when Sophie looks at camera to the word 'eyes.' I think that some of the colours are slightly different though but this can be fixed with editing. I also really like the shots of all of the different girls at around 2 minutes and think this looks really authentic.

  3. At the beginning of the video there is a good use of establishing shot and establishing who is in the band within the first 12 seconds. I like how you've given each of the girls their own personalities with different outfits for each and them singing in different locations; the girls are in a band together but they are their own people. Really good use of angles, you don't see each of the girls the same way throughout the video so far, also it keeps the audience on their toes as its always new and different. It's good that you've given each of the girls an equal amount of screen time. At 1:48 I think when she looks up at the camera when she says 'died in your eyes' is very effective. I like at 2:07, how you've got all the girls doing the same pose again it shows they are one band but their own person.

    Really like this, well done! Can't wait to see the finished video!
