How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Throughout the process of these ancillary tasks, I have used Blogger, scanner/printer, Photoshop, Digital Camera, Video Camera and Final Cut Pro X technologies. All of which became very useful to me, and I had no trouble using them. The following is a list of the technologies, and the advantages/disadvantages I had experienced when using them:
Blogger - I had had plenty of experience last year at AS when using this, so I experienced no trouble at all. I really enjoyed blogging as I felt that it was like an online diary, and it helped that I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of this coursework, encouraging me to blog often.
Scanner/Printer - The scanner played an important role as I often needed to scan images to post on my blog. Particularly my storyboards, shooting schedule, beat sheet etc. I had used this technology recently when scanning Grainne's signature onto the Digipack cover.
Photoshop - this software was the software I struggled with the most. I was a little familiar with it as I had used it very briefly in the past, but didn't know the ins and outs on how to edit as complex for the ancillary texts. However, it became more and more familiar to me the more I tried and practiced with the software. This as well as Final Cut Pro X was most useful to be as it helped me produced the most work.
Digital Camera - my camera came in handy when capturing images of the girl band individually and together. The images I took were much clearer than they had been from the video camera, too. Also, I am very familiar with cameras, so I was able to use this very efficiently and effectively throughout the ancillary texts.
Video Camera - I am also very familiar with this piece of technology as I used it last year at AS, and was the same camera. However, I would say that this could be improved due to the battery life and the picture quality. I found this particularly stressful when it came to the editing process, as I felt that the scenes I had filmed did not to it justice in real life. The poor quality is its biggest downfall for me personally.
Final Cut Pro X - this software is used only on a MAC. At first, I found this a very stressful software as I am unfamiliar with mac's in general, and did not know the short cuts and the general editing skills that were needed. However, I made things easier for myself by researching some of the short cuts on the software, printed the information off and began to pick up on many of the short cuts, making things so much easier and quicker for me to edit. This is one of the very best softwares you can use to edit with, and it offers so many things that I probably still haven't discovered. I loved the range of effects and choice of tools to use.
These technologies have all contributed into making my coursework a success. I feel so much more confident using all these technologies now, particularly Photoshop. Before I began the process of this coursework, Photoshop was something that I had used briefly in the past and hated it, as I found it much too complicated to work with. However, the amount of practice I have had with the software has enabled me to grow to love it and will definitely use it more often. There are so many things on their that it has to offer that I never knew about. The same with Final Cut Pro X - this has made a huge impact on me, so huge that I am considering buying a MAC and buy the editing software. Even before I took on media for a-levels, editing has been a big passion that I have had, and since using this software, it has offered me so much more than any other software I have used.
I have used all these technologies at different stages of the production, for example: Blogger - this was used throughout the production as it was vital that I 'blogged' very often with regards to my coursework. Scanner - this was also used throughout, although mainly early on when I needed to upload hard copys of work to my blog. Photoshop - this was used only for the Digipack and the Advert, which came after the filming process of the coursework. Digital Camera - this was used only for taking pictures when filming the music video. The pictures I took were then used for the Digipack and the Advert. Video Camera - this was used for the filming, and also the interview I filmed with Grainne with regards to audience feedback. Final Cut Pro X - this was used only for the editing process of the filming.
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