This is a limited edition front cover for my digipack. On this particular cover, we have Grainne appearing on it. This front cover will also be repeated with the other 4 girls in the band, again individually. This is to appeal to the fans - a particular fan may have a favourite band member, and this digipack is to increase the sales of the CD and to advertise the band. On this cover:
I have created a sticker in the top left hand corner, advertising what is included in this digipack, making it clearer for the viewer to see. It tells you that this is a limited edition of their album called 'Glitter in the Air', and tells you what features in the digipack, including more bonus features on the DVD that also comes with it. I have also inserted black and gold stars in order to make the writing stand out, particularly when it shows that the DVD is included, I have put 3 stars either side. As this is Grainne's edition, I have designed her a signiture, which I signed on paper, scanned onto the computer and 'Photoshopped' onto this image. I think this makes the front cover look more personal and appealing to the fans. This is again repeated for the 4 other girls. I have adjusted the lighting of both Grainne and the background, experimenting with various tools on Photoshop. For instance, I have desaturated the background, making the trees less green and more black and white, effectively making Grainne stand out. I have turned up the Brightness and Contrast of Grainne, also adding a Lens Flare in the top right hand corner, creating a sunlight shining down on her, portraying her to be very glamorous. I have made her eyes more blue and her skin slightly darker to make her stand out against the darkness of the trees.
I have then inserted Text, clearly showing the name of the band, and the name of the album underneath. Overall I have really enjoyed designing the front cover, and after a class discussion and questionnaire, I have had an overall opinion that they would all consider buying this album. It is very eye-catching and colourful, and tells you everything about the digipack on the sticker, so we know exactly what to expect.
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