Friday, 24 February 2012

Front cover - Limited Edition

This is a limited edition front cover for my digipack. On this particular cover, we have Grainne appearing on it. This front cover will also be repeated with the other 4 girls in the band, again individually. This is to appeal to the fans - a particular fan may have a favourite band member, and this digipack is to increase the sales of the CD and to advertise the band. On this cover: 

I have created a sticker in the top left hand corner, advertising what is included in this digipack, making it clearer for the viewer to see. It tells you that this is a limited edition of their album called 'Glitter in the Air', and tells you what features in the digipack, including more bonus features on the DVD that also comes with it. I have also inserted black and gold stars in order to make the writing stand out, particularly when it shows that the DVD is included, I have put 3 stars either side. As this is Grainne's edition, I have designed her a signiture, which I signed on paper, scanned onto the computer and 'Photoshopped' onto this image. I think this makes the front cover look more personal and appealing to the fans. This is again repeated for the 4 other girls. I have adjusted the lighting of both Grainne and the background, experimenting with various tools on Photoshop. For instance, I have desaturated the background, making the trees less green and more black and white, effectively making Grainne stand out. I have turned up the Brightness and Contrast of Grainne, also adding a Lens Flare in the top right hand corner, creating a sunlight shining down on her, portraying her to be very glamorous. I have made her eyes more blue and her skin slightly darker to make her stand out against the darkness of the trees. 
I have then inserted Text, clearly showing the name of the band, and the name of the album underneath. Overall I have really enjoyed designing the front cover, and after a class discussion and questionnaire, I have had an overall opinion that they would all consider buying this album. It is very eye-catching and colourful, and tells you everything about the digipack on the sticker, so we know exactly what to expect.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Digipack - Final Tracklistings

This is my final digipack tracklistings cover. I am really happy with the outcome of this because this is how I imagined the back cover to look like. I wanted something quite simple, in-keeping with the personalities in the band; nothing too wacky or colourful. I have inserted little black hearts in between the song listings on the Bonus Features, and the DVD. I have also inserted a scroll design wither side of CD and DVD to make it look elegent and make the headings stand out. Overall, I'm very happy with this, and will continue to design the other panels to the Digipack.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Digipack - Tracklistings

This is a rough idea of what I want the back cover of the Digipack to look like. I have selected a range of The Sturdays songs, conbined with various other artists, and some I have made up myself. I think its very important that I keep the tracks and the fonts simple to fit their image. I have looked at a range of album covers such as Enter Shikari, Pink, Ministry of Sound, to get ideas of the layout. I have included performances that are 'live' at the O2 to appeal to the audiences that the digipacks include extra feautures. I will also advertise this by creating a sticker on the front cover of the Digipack to show that it is a limited edition digipack with many features on 2 discs. I have included the DVD showing The Staurdays documentary which will appeal to their fans, to see the band behind the scenes and what their life is like off camera. I have also included other music video's and live performances of various songs. I think so far this is a success and look forward to continuing the final Digipack.
1st Draft

Here I have created a pink tint over the image to appeal to the audience as it looks more attractive. I have also reduced the capacity so that the tracklistings are clearer for the buyer to read.

Images for Digipack (outside cover)

I had the idea of creating 5 different types of Digipacks to appeal to different audiences. Each fan of The Saturdays will have their favourite band member, so I had to idea of creating a kind of Limited Edition Digipack, where the front cover will alternate from each different girl, in order to sell the digipack to the audience. Also, there may be people who are 'mega' fans of the band, and maybe buy more than one album. I think this idea will work really well as I have planned what I am to do (in a previous post). Here are my photoshopped images of each of the 5 girl band members:



Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Images for Digipack (inside cover)

I have decided that this image below will be the inside cover of my digipack. However, I wanted to have this image stretched out across the 3 panels as you open the digipack, but I risked the image becoming pixelated, therefore becoming very low quality. So I have the idea of coping either side of the background of the forest, and pasting it either side of the image in order to get  the picture I was hoping for.
This is the new image now that it has been photoshopped.
As you can see, I haven't lost any quality of the image in 'pasting' extra background of the land. I have also used the 'smudge' tool in order to make sure that the ground and the trees match up.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Sketchings of my Digipack

I have drawn out a rough idea of how I would like my Digipack to be like. I am using the idea from Enter Shikari's album, using a 6 panelled cardboard design. In doing this I can include as much information as possible, e.g. 3/4 images, messages to fans, a collage of each band member individually. Here is my plan:

As you can see, I have annotated on my sketch of the digipack what I plan to create. The idea of the 'limited edition' design has stemed from my inspiration of research in the 'history of the music video' (shown in earlier posts), where many artists in the 80's/90's would create different digipacks in accordance with popularity from their fans.